Monday, June 6, 2011

My Poolside Essentials

One of my favorite things about this summer so far has been the time spent poolside! Since there's a pool at my apartment, I'm out there at least every other day after I get off work. Since it's so hot here already, it's the perfect way to unwind and cool off! In honor of hot weather, sunny days, fruity drinks, and everything summer, I decided to post about my poolside essentials and why they are so important to me!

1. SPF
As a fair-skinned person, it is absolutely necessary that I wear some serious sun protection. I use baby sunscreen with SPF 50 and I haven't gotten burned yet this year! A friend gave me this tip: if you're prone to breakouts or itchy red bumps after applying sunscreen, then try the baby version. It's usually designed for sensitive skin and it's hypoallergenic. I love it! Honestly it really saddens me to see girls blowing off sunscreen. Please care about your skin - it's the only skin you'll get! Skin cancer is very common in women who regularly tan, so please don't do it. If you're outside at all, wear sunscreen. Above all, check yourself regularly for any moles or bumps that could become cancerous and see your Dermatologist. Rant over :)

2. Something Fun to Read.
Glamour magazine, Victoria's Secret catalogs - what can I say? I love a good girly magazine. If it's not too hot to lay by the pool, bring something fun to read or just look at. It always makes me feel especially pampered and makes a long day end so much better.

3. A Sweet Drink.
Lemonade at the pool is like the quintessential summer idea to me. I bring mine in a thermos and sip it to stay cool & hydrated, and enjoy the summer flavor.

4. Earbuds + iPhone.
I don't care who you are, listening to some Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Ke$sha, Nicki Minaj, or any other diva will get your summer blood pumping and make you feel sexy. Guaranteed:) Oh, and a little online shopping on your mobile doesn't hurt either.

5. Fun Shades.
Sexy, sun-protecting, chic. Need I say more?

6. A Cute Pool Bag.
Ok, maybe not necessary to you, but I adore toting my cute, pink, paisley bag around the pool. It's just fun.

What are your poolside essentials? Do you have a bag you pack with the same stuff or does it vary? How do you feel about sun safety?
Do you even go to the pool?

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