Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Getting Started

Il est moi...

Gamine -
Pronunciation: \ga-ˈmēn, ˈga-ˌmēn\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, feminine of gamin
Date: 1889

1 : a girl who hangs around on the streets
2 : a small playfully mischievous girl


I have always enjoyed reading music and fashion blogs. They're some of what inspires me the most in my waking hours not consumed by school and the rest of life. I thought about starting a blog a few months ago and then decided I didn't have time. Then I realized I needed a way to decompress - something I hadn't tried yet. And since I'm all about trying new things...here it goes.

My name is Lana, and I love fashion. I love nail polish, skinny jeans, boots, flats, magazines, thrifting, and wearing the unexpected. I find inspiration in music(since it's a huge part of who I am),nature and iconic fashionistas from all time periods. But mostly, I find that fashion is something you create for yourself. Whatever inspires you affects who you are, and that translates through your look. People may call fashion shallow, but to me it is an extension of yourself, and what's shallow about that? Since I'm no veteran designer or blogger by any means, this is an experiment of sorts. But I also know that a lot of bloggers started like me and ended up doing some pretty cool stuff. I'm an optimist :)

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