It has been a long time since I have written a blog, and that has honestly been a constant source of sadness for me. After I had Stella, I
vowed I would blog more, because I would have so much more free time to stay up
after she went to sleep and blog my heart out, uninhibited by the demands of a
full time job outside the home. Anyone who has children is now rolling their
eyes and laughing a little. I admit, I had no idea what I was getting into.
Everyone’s journey into motherhood is different, but they are all radical,
overwhelming, and at times, painful. I also learned that being a SAHM is WAY
more time consuming than I imagined! I often think about how much untapped free
time I had when I did not have Stella. I thought I was super busy, but I had no
idea just how much busier I would be, you know, supporting a tiny human life.
I have learned just how
hard it is to keep up ANY kind of writing while mothering a demanding baby.
Especially one who just started sleeping somewhat through the night at over a
year old! I did not sleep for a year, basically. So I would like to give a HUGE
hats off to all of the amazing mom bloggers I follow, most of w who have
multiple children, for still managing to do your thang and pursue your dreams.
You are what I aspire to be someday.
I am hopeful that things are calming down enough that I can
actually make more a commitment to blogging, and this is me promising to try.
Of course the blog is going to look different, as I alluded to after I had my
daughter. It’s going to include tips and tricks I use to keep up my style while
mothering a 14 month old, mom-and-budget-friendly fashion, cooking tips, and
more. But it will definitely be geared towards surviving motherhood in style!
One thing I told myself when I was pregnant is that I would not lose that part
of myself. So far I have stayed true to my word. I always tell people, I don’t
follow fashion and dress myself well for other people, I do it for me. As a
mom, it’s all about my daughter all the time. My sense of style is my one thing
that I do for me. I want her to grow up learning that fashion is a way to
express yourself, and that you should wear what makes you comfortable and
happy. I don’t want her to think it’s normal or okay to sacrifice everything
about yourself just because you became a mom. Of course being a mom is all
about sacrifice, but I truly believe we are better mothers when we practice
self-care. What does that look like? It’s different for all of us. For me, it’s
getting dressed every day. I don’t like to spend the day in pj’s or yoga pants.
I like to at least put on jeans and a t-shirt I feel happy wearing. I also put
on my “5-minute face” every morning while Stella plays with her toys beside me.
Do I have the luxury of spending an hour choosing outfits and getting ready?
No, but let’s be honest, I was never that girl anyways. My style has evolved a
lot since becoming a mother, and of course I am still figuring it all out. But
I know my passion for fashion, and more importantly, for styling other people,
has only gotten stronger. Only now it's a LOT harder to get pictures of my outfits during the week. :)
If you
have any questions about style in general, how to dress as a new mom, creating
a go-to “momiform”, or anything else, I would love to hear from you! Hopefully
I can offer some tips and insights to help my fellow moms to find or enhance
their style, without sacrificing comfort or the budget! Thank you for following
me as my journey evolves. Please find me on Instagram if you’d like to see my weekly outfit posts and get a peek into my life!
Here’s to doing MOM LIFE in style!
Lana @iGamine
Photography by Galizes Photos;
On me: Kimono (Francesca's), Hat (JC Penney), Dress (Ross).
On Stella: Tutu (Cherokee/Target), Moccasins (Baby Gap)